Does brsk support IPv6?

Yes! We fully support IPv6.

Kirsten Eddey avatar
Written by Kirsten Eddey
Updated over a week ago

Yes! We fully support IPv6 and have done so since day 1. All brsk services are IPv6 enabled as standard, so you most likely won't need to do anything more to start using IPv6 as long as your devices support IPv6.

We even won a Jim Bound award from the UK IPv6 Council in 2022 which is given to companies whose IPv6 traffic exceeds 20% in a given year.

I want to use my own router. How do I get IPv6 working on it?

You can follow our guide here which goes over how to set up your own router with your brsk service.

Specifically, our service uses:

  • SLAAC to allocate a /64 IPv6 address to your router's WAN port

  • DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation to hand your router a /48 subnet (65536 /64s) of publicly routable IPv6 addresses which your end devices can then use

Your router should get them automatically, but our anycast IPv6 DNS server addresses are:

  • 2a10:d580::1

  • 2a10:d580::2

Note: As there are so many different makes and models of routers on the market, we, unfortunately, can't give you specific instructions on how to set your router up. We can, however, give you pointers on what our service uses which should be enough information to get you up and running. If you are unsure about how to configure your router to work with IPv6 on brsk, we suggest you contact the manufacturer of your router who will be able to help you further using the information above.

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